A question which everyone would have in mind while Upgrading to WA 9.5 is to manage all the Carryforwards that are present in old Production Plan on the older Version of the Master and to migrate them to the newer Master Server . This Blog aims to sort this problem once and for all to ensure seamless transition to IWS 9.5 without any hassles. As you would already know if you are reading this Blog that WA 9.5 comes with a whole set of New Features and most noticeable Change Architecturally is to move to Liberty as a Middleware in place of Websphere Application Server, JazzSM for both the Engine as well the DWC Profile. This change also means that the only Strategy available for Upgrade is the following :
Ofcourse , we are referring to an environment where you don’t have a HADR in place and both DB’s on Primary Master as well as Backup Master are independent. Once you have switched back to the Newly Setup Master Server on 9.5.x , you would need to run a New Production Plan on the Next day , the Newly Installed Master would not have the Planman showinfo data reflecting all data such as “Plan creation start time” , “Production plan end time” , “Production plan time extension” etc. or any of the Pre-production plan data such as “Preproduction Plan End Time”,”Plan creation Start Time” except “Run Number” : planman showinfo IBM Workload Automation(UNIX)/PLANMAN (20200410) Licensed Materials - Property of IBM* and HCL** 5698-WSH (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2016 All rights reserved. (C) Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2016, 2019 All rights reserved. * Trademark of International Business Machines ** Trademark of HCL Technologies Limited Installed for user "wauser". Locale LANG set to the following: "en" Plan creation start time: Production plan start time of last extension: Production plan end time: Production plan time extention: Plan last update: Preproduction plan end time: Start time of first not complete preproduction plan job stream instance: Run number: 88 Confirm run number: So , this would mean you have to Sync up data of the existing Symphony File with the newly Installed MDM on 9.5.x’s planman showinfo data . To Sync up data , the tables that govern this info are the below : [db2inst2@EU-HWS-LNX242 ~]$ db2 "describe table MDL.MPR_MODEL_PROPERTIES" Data type Column Column name schema Data type name Length Scale Nulls ------------------------------- --------- ------------------- ---------- ----- ------ MPR_NAME SYSIBM VARCHAR 50 0 No MPR_DESCRIPTION SYSIBM VARCHAR 1024 0 Yes MPR_VALUE SYSIBM VARCHAR 256 0 Yes 3 record(s) selected. MPR_NAME MPR_VALUE -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVATE_DEPLOYMENT OFF APPROACHING_LATE_OFFSET 120 AUDIT_HISTORY 400 AUDIT_STORE BOTH AUTO_LOGON_AS_BATCH NO BIND_USER wauser CARRY_FORWARD ALL CARRY_FORWARD_INET YES CARRY_JOB_STATES - CATALOG_VERSION (20130101) CENTRALIZED_SECURITY NO COMPANY HCL CONFIRM_RUN_NUMBER 8 CP_LAST_UPDATE 2020/07/02 21:59 CP_PENDING false CP_START_TIME_LAST_EXT 2020/07/02 22:00 CP_TMP_END_TIME 2020/07/03 22:00 CP_TMP_START_DAY 0000 CP_TMP_START_TIME 2020/06/25 22:00 CP_TMP_TIME_EXTENSION 86400000 DATABASE_AUDIT_LEVEL 1 DATABASE_VERSION DEADLINE_OFFSET 2 DEPLOYMENT_FREQUENCY 5 ENABLE_ADD_USER YES ENABLE_ADD_WORKSTATION NO ENABLE_CF_RESOURCE_QUANTITY YES ENABLE_CRITICAL_PATH YES ENABLE_EDWA YES ENABLE_EDWA_PROXY NO ENABLE_EMPTY_SCHEDULE_SUCC NO ENABLE_EVPROC_HTTPS_PROTOCOL YES ENABLE_EVPROC_PERSISTENCE YES ENABLE_EXPANDED_RESOURCES YES ENABLE_FORECAST_START_TIME NO ENABLE_LEGACY_ID NO ENABLE_LEGACY_STARTOFDAY_EVALUATION NO ENABLE_LIST_SECURITY_CHECK NO ENABLE_ROLE_BASED_SECURITY YES ENABLE_STRONG_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTION NO ENABLE_SWITCH_FAULT_TOLERANCE NO ENABLE_WHAT_IF YES END_TIME 2020/07/03 22:00 EVPROC_EIF_PORT 31131 EVPROC_EIF_SSL_PORT 0 EVPROC_HTTPS_PORT 31116 EVPROC_HTTP_PORT 31115 EVPROC_ID 1629569c-d28a-3bc9-b915-6a6e5395ba2a EVPROC_STARTED YES FILE_START_CONDITION_JOB_NAME FILE_STARTCOND FORCE_EVENT_FOR_DEPLOY OFF GLOBAL_LOCK OFF HISTORY 400 IGNORE_CALENDARS NO LICENSE_INFO b6a6e2da14830b73bc4b9a578ef348bcbe8f0108070a0e19369374d334249371 LICENSE_JOBS_NUMBER 2284 LICENSE_RUN_NUMBER 7 LICENSE_SEND_DATE - LICENSE_SERVER_ID - LICENSE_SERVER_URL - LICENSE_STORED_JOBS_NUMBER - LICENSE_TYPE PERSERVER LOGMAN_MINMAX_POLICY BOTH LOGMAN_SMOOTH_POLICY -1 LOG_CLEANUP_FREQUENCY 5 LOG_HISTORY 10 LONG_DURATION_THRESHOLD 150 LTP_END 2020/07/17 22:00 LTP_EXIST true LTP_FIRST_NOT_COMPLETED_INSTANCE 2020/06/25 22:00 LTP_LAST_UPDATE 2020/07/02 21:59 LTP_MAX_LEN 14 LTP_MIN_LEN 8 LTP_REPLAN_NEEDED NO LTP_START 2020/06/25 22:00 MAILPLUGIN_SENDER_NAME TWS MAILPLUGIN_SMTP_SERVER_NAME localhost MAILPLUGIN_SMTP_SERVER_PORT 25 MAILPLUGIN_USER_NAME wauser MAILPLUGIN_USER_PASSWORD - MAILPLUGIN_USE_AUTHENTICATION NO MAILPLUGIN_USE_SSL NO MAILPLUGIN_USE_TLS NO MSG_NUMBER 0 NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT 5 NO_PREVDAYS_DATE 1970/01/01 00:00 OSLC_AUTOMATION_DESCRIPTION Provider for HCL Workload Scheduler Automation OSLC_AUTOMATION_TITLE HCL Workload Scheduler Automation OSLC_AUTOMATION_URI - OSLC_PROVISIONING_DESCRIPTION Provider for HCL Workload Scheduler Provisioning OSLC_PROVISIONING_TITLE HCL Workload Scheduler Provisioning OSLC_PROVISIONING_URI - OSLC_REGISTRY_PASSWORD tws86tws OSLC_REGISTRY_URI https://localhost:0/oslc/pr OSLC_REGISTRY_USER root OSLC_SP_BASE_URI http://ProviderHostname:31115 PLAN_AUDIT_LEVEL 1 PREVENT_START YES PROMOTION_OFFSET 120 REBUILD_EVENT_RULES YES RECOVERY_PROMPT_BASE_NUMBER 1000 RECOVERY_PROMPT_DELTA 1000 RESUBMIT_JOB_NAME MASTERAGENTS#RESTART_STARTCOND RESUBMIT_JOB_USER_NAME - RESYNC_ID 1593727169 RESYNC_LOADING_EST_END 0 RESYNC_LOADING_PERC 100 RESYNC_NUMBER 8 RESYNC_STATUS ON RETAIN_RERUN_JOB_NAME NO RUN_NUMBER 8 SCCDPLUGIN_URL http://localhost:8080/maximo/oslc/os/oslcincident SCCDPLUGIN_USER_NAME wauser SCCDPLUGIN_USER_PASSWORD - SERVICENOWPLUGIN_URL http://localhost:8080/api/now/table/incident SERVICENOW_USER_NAME - SERVICENOW_USER_PASSWORD - SSL_FULL_CONNECTION NO START 0000 START_CONDITION_DEADLINE_OFFSET 2400 START_TIME 2020/06/25 22:00 TECFWDPLUGIN_TEC_SERVER_NAME localhost TECFWDPLUGIN_TEC_SERVER_PORT 5529 TIMEZONE_ENABLE YES TIME_EXTENSION 86400000 TT_R3BATCH SAP TWSFORZOSPLUGIN_USER_NAME - TWSFORZOSPLUGIN_USER_PASSWORD - TWSFORZOSPLUGIN_ZCONN_REMOTE_SERVER_NAME - TWSFORZOSPLUGIN_ZCONN_SERVER_NAME localhost TWSFORZOSPLUGIN_ZCONN_SERVER_PORT 31217 UNTILDAYS 0 WAS_FIRST_START_DATE 1593155929372 WORKSTATION_LIMIT 100 WSA_MASTER_URI https://localhost:31116 135 record(s) selected. You can update the data in this table pertaining to Current plan for the “Confirm Run Number” field and then run the Production Plan from the New MDM the next day with -from and -to options. update MDL.MPR_MODEL_PROPERTIES set MPR_VALUE='88' where MPR_NAME='CONFIRM_RUN_NUMBER' This helps retaining the Carryforwards from the Current Production Plan while also retaining all Planman showinfo Data. planman showinfo IBM Workload Automation(UNIX)/PLANMAN (20200410) Licensed Materials - Property of IBM* and HCL** 5698-WSH (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2016 All rights reserved. (C) Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2016, 2019 All rights reserved. * Trademark of International Business Machines ** Trademark of HCL Technologies Limited Installed for user "wauser". Locale LANG set to the following: "en" Plan creation start time: Production plan start time of last extension: Production plan end time: Production plan time extention: Plan last update: Preproduction plan end time: Start time of first not complete preproduction plan job stream instance: Run number: 88 Confirm run number: 88 Syncing Planman showinfo in Backup Master Server incase of Long term Switch : You could also have a second Case where you would intend to run Jnextplan from the Backup Master Server itself for a few days before switching back to Primary Master Server , so in this case the newly installed Backup Master setup although linked with the Primary Master Server with Symphony in sync would not have the Planman showinfo synced up as the Primary Master Server as dataimport does not fetch other data in the MPR Tables . So inorder to have the planman showinfo data Synced up , we could run the following set of queries : Note : While running the queries note that the Time Data is in GMT as this is how the Table stores the data internally irrespective of TimeZone on the MDM. update MDL.MPR_MODEL_PROPERTIES set MPR_VALUE='2020/07/01 22:00' where MPR_NAME='CP_START_TIME_LAST_EXT' update MDL.MPR_MODEL_PROPERTIES set MPR_VALUE='2020/07/02 22:00' where MPR_NAME='CP_TMP_END_TIME' update MDL.MPR_MODEL_PROPERTIES set MPR_VALUE='2020/07/02 22:00' where MPR_NAME='END_TIME' update MDL.MPR_MODEL_PROPERTIES set MPR_VALUE='2020/07/01 21:59' where MPR_NAME='CP_LAST_UPDATE' update MDL.MPR_MODEL_PROPERTIES set MPR_VALUE='2020/07/01 22:00' where MPR_NAME='CP_TMP_START_TIME' update MDL.MPR_MODEL_PROPERTIES set MPR_VALUE='YES' where MPR_NAME=' LTP_REPLAN_NEEDED' The last query assumes significance in the sense that it is needed to generate the Preproduction plan from the BKMDM when running Fresh Jnextplan on the Backup Master Server while continuing with the same Symphony from yesterday and also retaining the Carryforwards. This would sync up Planman showinfo Data as below in the BKMDM : Plan creation start time: 07/01/2020 00:00 TZ Europe/Rome Production plan start time of last extension: 07/01/2020 00:00 TZ Europe/Rome Production plan end time: 07/01/2020 23:59 TZ Europe/Rome Production plan time extension: 024:00 Plan last update: 07/01/2020 23:59 TZ Europe/Rome Preproduction plan end time: 07/02/2020 00:00 TZ Europe/Rome Start time of first not complete preproduction plan job stream instance: Run number: 88 Confirm run number: 88 This would allow allow extending Jnextplan on the BKMDM while continuing on the same Symphony with Carryforwards retained . Any further question? Learn more about Workload Automation here or drop us a line at [email protected] Author's BIO
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